I had so much fun with this family last night. We all got in the back of a pick up and drove around their property. What a great place to do family photos. I definitely wore the wrong shoes for traipsing all around the woods, but it was worth it!
Mom and Dad are going to be celebrating 25 years this month! What a beautiful life they've created.
They said they hadn't had family photos done in 20 years. I'm glad they chose me to capture their family shots for them. Check them out below.
*make sure you scroll all the way down for surprise*

I first starting taking photos of Keri and Tyler for their maternity photos back in April. And again when they had Princess Kalli in July. I've fallen in love with them. They are both so sweet and fun! And their love for each other is so vibrant! I get extra sappy when thinking about love. So when Tyler messaged me the day before our photos and told me he was going to propose, I got so excited. I even cried a little. Keri had no idea, but everyone else knew. The anticipation was high throughout the whole shoot.
This was amazing! It might be one of the coolest things I've gotten to do with my camera since I started out on this journey six months ago.
Thank you Tyler and Keri for including me in this awesome life moment.

Some changes are coming for the fall season. Read more to find out…
Birth Connections of Stillwater month meeting - February Baby Wearing
A beautiful crisp night at the end of October, the world welcomed little miss K born at home. Read more of her calm, peaceful home birth.
I share my goals for my 4th year doing this photography thing. Read more…
The birth of baby Lucy. Born at home in Stillwater, OK.
The birth story of my third baby, Isaac Lee Lewis.
Check out the latest newborn session from this Stillwater, OK newborn photographer.
Here's a little peak into what a 6 month old session looks like with KatieLew in Stillwater, Ok.
birth story of my fourth baby - Arlo Michael