Sunday, I invited a group of breastfeeding mamas to join me downtown Stillwater for a breastfeeding photo shoot. My goal for the shoot was to bring together these women and capture a part of their breastfeeding journey. Part of the funds from this project are going to support the Stillwater La Leche League which is a breastfeeding support group. It meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at Stillwater hospital at 7pm.
I had 16 mothers and 16 babies participate. The babies ranged in age from 2 months to 3 years. Some of the mothers even came all the way from Ponca City to join us. I'm so grateful to each of these mothers for helping me bring this idea to life. I've wanted to do a group shot in the street for a while now. Don't worry, we were perfectly safe. We waited for the walk signal, and had several spotters making sure we weren't in danger. I love how these mom were totally up for my idea! A special thanks to each of them.
I really wanted to use this shoot and these images to help bring awareness to and help normalize breastfeeding, and especially extended breastfeeding. There is a stigma in our country surrounding women's breasts. And often times, it is a negative one. You can't even turn on the tv anymore without seeing boobs selling something: from hamburgers to cars to perfume. But a woman who is simply responding to the cues of her child and feeding them, is considered obscene. And especially if that child is over 1 year old. Children don't stop needing the nutrients from their mothers the day they turn 1. Or even the day they turn 2. Each baby is different, and not every one will continue to nurse until they are over 2, but some do, and that is perfectly normal and natural.
If you'd like more information on breastfeeding, or extending breastfeeding, or if you'd like to know more about Stillwater La Leche League, check out the Facebook group or you can read this great article in the Stillwater Newspress.
After our shoot, we walked down to Blue Spruce and took some nursing in Public shots. I will be blogging about that experience next week.
Please leave an encouraging comment for these beautiful mamas and their babies.