I know, I know…it’s only July. Why in the heck am I already talking about my fall schedule?? Well I have a huge announcement to make. And after that, I bet it will all make a lot more sense!
photo: The Nest
That’s right, I’m expecting our 4th kiddo. He will make his arrival sometime in late October. Which is the reason I’m having to get everything done super early. Having a baby right in the middle of my busiest time of year changes things a bit. So stay with me and I’ll explain the plan for this fall (including Christmas minis).
Outdoor Family Sessions - With babe coming late Oct, I’m hoping to have all of my outdoor family sessions completed by the end of Sept/beginning of Oct. It’s a lot harder for me to run around chasing kiddos at 36/37 weeks pregnant than it is to have sessions in the studio (read: tiny confined space haha). I am currently opening up sessions on Friday and Saturdays only in Sept. Once those fill up, I will look at opening up Mondays and then go from there. But if you want an outdoor session this year, this is your chance. Click HERE to schedule your outdoor fall family session.
Big changes!
So this year, to make up for the lack of fall foliage I’ll be able to shoot, I’m doing something I don’t normally do. Fall family minis in the STUDIO! These are NOT the same as my Christmas Minis. I’ll be adding more time to these minis and will style them like a short family session. So be ready for lots of snuggles and giggles and pretty fall colors. I haven’t decided 100% on date for these yet, but stay tuned on my fb page for dibs.
Christmas in October! Yes, you read that right, I’m hosting my Christmas minis WAY early this year. But they are still going to be just as fun :D Here’s the link to that sign up if you’re interested: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4caba72ba1fe3-christmas1. The tough part about these is that I will be on call for a birth. So there’s always a slight chance we’ll need to reschedule. But I will work all of that out with everyone if that does happen. These will located in the studio, and I’ll have treats and hot chocolate just like last year. Theme is still in progress!
I’m still planning to shoot studio sessions up until baby comes just like last time. So be sure to get in before the end of Oct if you’re wanting a studio session for your little one. I will taking some time off in November and December, but will be back at it mid December I think.
I’m nervous about all these changes, but rolling with the punches and hoping I can still accommodate everyone who is looking for family photos this fall and Christmas season. Thanks so much for sticking by my side as we grow our family. Your support means the world to me!