I wanted to take a quick bit to share about a wonderful group of woman located right here in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Birth Connections of Stillwater. This group has meant so much to me over the years as I’ve grown into motherhood. Every 2nd Thursday of the month, they host a meeting at Lee Glass Company at 7p. The topics vary month to month. Each meeting focuses on an aspect of mothering/birth. You can check out their beautiful website here to learn more about them https://www.birthconnections.org/.
The meeting topic this month is one of our busiest meeting each year, baby wearing! I’ve invited one of the wonderful ladies from Birth Connections, Dayna Hoskins to share a little blurb about the meeting. Also, some of the beautiful mamas shared their favorite baby wearing photos and selfies in the group. They’ve allowed me to share them here as well! I love seeing such diversity in carriers and even some daddies wearing their babes too!!
Dayna says:
“A new mom tries babywearing for the first time, and breathes a sigh of relief when her colicky newborn is finally soothed. A new dad bonds with his baby skin-to-skin, cozy in a carrier. Grandparents and other caregivers give mom and dad a break, by wearing baby in a carrier that is familiar and comforting. The worn baby has a safe place to learn about the world, to transition to life outside of the womb. A baby tucked into a carrier goes places that no stroller has ever gone. A baby tucked into a carrier integrates into their family’s busy day, and takes a much needed nap. A baby or toddler tucked into a carrier can’t touch every surface in the doctor’s office. A toddler tucked into a carrier, while their caregiver washes the dishes or vacuums the floors, cannot then draw all over the walls with a purple marker. A toddler tucked into a carrier cannot run away during a quick errand. A toddler tucked into a carrier on a hard day is soothed by the closeness and comfort they have known there, for as long as they can remember.
There is a lot to say about the benefits and beauty of babywearing. Not only does it facilitate bonding between caregiver and baby, but worn babies cry less, meaning less stress for everyone! Babywearing helps wee ones regulate their body temperature, heart rate, and stress response. It can even help when baby needs to gain weight. As baby grows, babywearing aids in all kinds of development, from physical to cognitive and social. Babywearing can facilitate breastfeeding, and it reduces postpartum mood disorders. Then there are the everyday benefits, such as being able to wash the dishes while still carrying baby. And that is just scratching the surface of the benefits of babywearing.
Babywearing should be in every family’s parenting toolbox!
On Thursday, March 14 at 7:00PM, Birth Connections of Stillwater will host a babywearing meeting. The location is the Lee Glass company, at 1002 S Lewis St.
Piper Park Nard, of The Worn Baby, is a certified babywearing educator based in the OKC metro area. She will be making the drive to Stillwater to talk to us about babywearing benefits and safety. She will introduce us to a variety of carriers. There will be time for questions and answers, troubleshooting, and adjusting fit and technique, so bring your carriers too! There will also be experienced babywearers at the meeting, for peer-to-peer support. Hopefully, between Piper’s expertise and our collective experience, everyone will gain knowledge and support needed to wear their baby comfortably and with confidence. “
My sweet husband wearing our son Isaac in our Tula baby carrier
If you’re even a little bit curious about how amazing baby wearing is or how it could help your life with young ones get so much easier, you should try to attend our meeting this month. Or check out the calendar for future meeting topics.