I always say this because it's always true, but it has been a long time since I've done a blog, too long really. I need to be doing this weekly. Anyone want to help hold me accountable?? Anywho, I'm sharing my latest newborn session with you guys. I loved working with baby Keegan and his family. He slept so perfectly for me. It was a dream session.
This little mister had a scary entrance into this world and had to hang out in the NICU for a couple days, but he rocked it and got better super fast. He was 7 days old when he came in for his newborn session.

Baby Keegan's mama has great taste! She picked out some really beautiful colors and combinations at our newborn consultation. My favorite combo is these adorable suspender pants and this mustard backdrop. Little Keegan really shines against this beautiful color. And mustard just so happens to be my favorite color right now. I'm practically redecorating my house with all things mustard right now!
suspenders from https://cuteascanbeprops.com/
I call this next pose "praying hands pose". I think it's super sweet to see the babies all tucked up like they're saying a little prayer. And look how cute his little tucked feet are. Yup, it's a favorite of mine for sure.
Babies against a cream backdrop are my most favorite images from each session. Little Keegan stands out in these images so well. The cream backdrop really helps highlight his precious little features. I loved baby K's little button nose! And I was even lucky enough to get a little smile.

Another reason I love to shoot on a cream back drop is MACRO images. I love shooting macro newborn images at my session. The depth of field in the macro lens highlights their tiny features perfectly.
shot with my Canon 100mm macro
Prop shots! Fitting a tiny baby into buckets, drawers, baby sized beds, it's just too much cuteness for me to handle sometimes!

Lastly are family pictures. There is something so special about seeing a tiny little baby up on his daddy's shoulder. And something so beautiful about a mother snuggling her brand new little son.

I say it all the time, but I absolutely love that I get to call this my job. Working with brand new babies and their beautiful new families is just such a blessing. Thank you so each and every family who has trusted me with their precious new babe. You make this possible for me, and I'm so grateful.
Shout out to all my favorite newborn vendors that I used at this session:
Peeka's Boutique: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PeekaBoootique
Poppy's Joy: https://www.facebook.com/Poppysjoy/
Cute As Can Be Props: https://cuteascanbeprops.com/
Manly And Pretty Little Things: https://www.facebook.com/ManlyandPrettyLittleThings/
Props by Jeana: https://www.facebook.com/Propsbyjeana/
Whatsoever Things: http://whatsoeverthingshandmade.bigcartel.com/
Roses and Ruffles: http://rosesandruffles.bigcartel.com/
birth story of my fourth baby - Arlo Michael