Today I'm sharing another story from another amazing mother. Breastfeeding has a face, it's personal. And these women are sharing their experiences. Please leave some lovely comments for her. Enjoy:
"I grew up on a farm and was raised by strong women. I was breastfed, and all the women in my family breastfed their babies, so I did feel pressured to breastfeed my first baby when I found out I was pregnant at 19. I was terrified. I knew nothing about babies or breastfeeding, but I read every book I could get my hands on, and by the time my son was born, I decided to give it a try, even though the thought of it was off putting to me at the time. I successfully breastfed Andrew for 9 months.
I breastfed my second child, Chloe, for 6 months. I deeply regret stopping so soon, and she soon got frequent ear infections and had to get tubes in her ears. Sending your baby off to surgery is terrifying for any parent.
Fast forward to 2017: we finally had our rainbow baby boy in February after miscarriage and waiting and trying for so long after our loss. Our little Logan is perfect, and I breastfed him the moment he was born.
My mom was my best friend and my biggest supporter, but sadly, she succumbed to her 6 year battle with ovarian cancer in March. I'm just glad she got to meet little Logan before she passed away.
I did genetic testing and discovered that I am also positive for the RADC15 cancer gene mutation, (which means I'm at high risk of developing ovarian cancer myself). Thus far I have lost family members to breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers. I elected to have a complete hysterectomy in May, when Logan was only 3 months old.
Estrogen, which is commonly prescribed for hormone replacement therapy after menopause, decreases milk supply, but my biggest obstacle has been the lack of support from my family. Since I lost both my mother and grandmother this year, (my biggest supporters), my mother in law has stepped up and made efforts to help and support me. However, she does not support breastfeeding, as she does not understand it.
baby toes!
I connected with our local La Leche League chapter and joined an online breastfeeding support group, which have both helped tremendously.
I'm determined to breastfeed for a year and beyond this time. My baby, my choice, and I choose what's best for him and I. Breastfeeding has helped me lose 20 pounds off my prepregnancy weight. The advantages of breastfeeding for mother and child are numerous: the bonding, more sleep, the list goes on.
We're still going strong 5 months in, and I'm not stopping anytime soon. I'm determined to see this through, despite all the obstacles.
If I can do it, you can do it. It's not always easy, but so rewarding. Don't give up. If you need help, there's help out there.
Peace be with you,
birth story of my fourth baby - Arlo Michael