It's the time of year again when I start thinking about Mother's Day. And that gets me thinking about Mommy & Me sessions. I have gotten very used to doing sessions within the comfort of my studio. I don't have to worry about picking a location or worry if we're going to have nice weather. It's been nice to say the least. I've been safely tucked away in my comfort zone for a while now. I had actually considered skipping a Mother's Day special altogether this year. But then I really started thinking about what makes me happy as a photographer. And for me, that's sunshine and emotion. So this year, I've decided to do something a little differently. I absolutely love photographing mothers with their children. There is so much emotion in those images. And they end up being some of my most favorite. I know that if I am going to be true to myself, then I have to step away from the overly posed images and get down to the emotions of an image. I'm now offering Motherhood Sessions. This special will run until the end of May. Here's a little blurb that tells more about it from my facebook page:
"A quilt, sunshine, and loads of snuggles. Motherhood sessions are meant to embrace EVERY moment with you and your children. From those fun tickles to those sweet, gentle kisses. Sessions are 20 minutes long and will take place just before sun down. I will coordinate with you on outfits beforehand. You get printing rights to at least 10 digital images. A $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon booking and $100 is due the day of your session."
Let me capture those true, honest moments. Because Motherhood looks beautiful on you.
Now let's talk about this GORGEOUS mama and her sons. I work with Jamie at Dragonfly Village. She is the Licensed Massage Therapist. She specializes in Prenatal and Postpartum Massage, Swedish massage, and Reflexology. I have yet to try out her services, but I will be soon, and I'm excited. Jamie has such a gentle, but fierce spirit. I have loved getting to know her a little better over the last few months. I knew she would be the perfect person to be the model for this session.
We arrived at the session, and once the light reached that perfect point in the sky, we got started. We laid a beautiful old quilt on the ground, kicked off all our shoes (mine too) and began to play. Jamie has two awesome sons. And they loved playing and loving on their mama. We played tickle wars and ran around mama while she tried to catch them. We hunted for cool plants, and took some piggy back rides. It was such a joy watching Jamie mother her two boys. I had asked her ahead of time to be thinking of things that were special between her and her sons, and watching those sweet moments unfold was truly wonderful. I snapped away like a mad woman trying to capture every moment. Thank you so much Jamie for letting me photograph your Motherhood. It is beautiful.
Here are my favorites from my time with Jamie, Oliver, and Peter.
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If you're interested in booking a Motherhood Session, contact me here.

birth story of my fourth baby - Arlo Michael