Baby Casen's birth story probably starts a long time ago when I first met Jesseca. I don't even remember how we originally got connected, but we met over cloth diapers. I was about 4 months in to the adventure with Emersyn and I loved sharing all about how awesome it is. I met up with Jesseca and let her borrow a couple of my diapers, and we've been friends since.
When she first found out she was pregnant with Casen, we immediately connected about me shooting her birth. When the time finally came in early March, I was so excited. She had been having contractions over the weekend, but they fizzled out. Finally on Monday night (right as I crawled into bed), Jesseca texted me that she was heading to the hospital. I barely slept that night. I kept startling myself awake and checking my phone, so afraid I was missing something. That next morning, I got the call to come on. I quickly got my things in order and headed out. When I walked into her labor and delivery room at Stillwater Medical Center, it was so quiet and peaceful. She was laboring hard, and had lots of family there to support her. Things progressed quickly, and Casen was born at 10:24am on Tuesday the 8th. I stayed to capture Casen's big sisters coming in to meet him. It was a great day.
Thank you to Jesseca and her family for allowing me to be a part of Casen's birth story. It was beautiful.
See the rest from this unmedicated hospital birth below. Her birth video is at the end of this blog post, so be sure to check that out too.