I photographed the birth of baby Caitlyn back in November of last year. It was my third birth to photograph. And the first one at Stillwater Medical Center. I got the call that C had failed her non-stress test and they were sending Kristin over to labor and delivery for an induction. She was still 1.5 weeks away from her due date. This was late in the afternoon.
I arrived at the hospital and Kristin was already clearly in labor. She had her husband and her daughter (who was the best little doula) there. I'm glad I showed up when I did because things quickly progressed, and Kristin had baby Caitlyn at 5:26p on November 4th. She was covered in vernix and super chunky. The chunkiest baby I've seen!
One thing I thought was really great is big sister was able to stay in the delivery room. So she got to meet her sister right away. She wasn't so sure of her at first, but once big sis saw how happy her parents were, she warmed up to the idea of this new baby.
It takes a huge level of trust for a mother to allow me into her birth space, and I never take that for granted. I'm so thankful to each birth mom who has allowed me to capture her birth. Each one is special to me in it's own way. Kristin is such a good friend of mine. She is an amazing mom and person. When I first got into birth photography, she just so happened to be pregnant, but we didn't decide for me to shoot her birth until a few days before she had Caitlyn. It was always on my mind though, and I'm so glad I was there. I got a lot of shots of big sister Makenna at the birth since she was doing all sorts of fun things while mommy worked hard bringing sister into the world. I can't thank you enough Kristin for trusting me to be a part of your miracle. And it's so amazing to watch miss Caitlyn as she grows.