Breastfeeding is normal.
I have had a vision in my head for a long time to do a group breastfeeding portrait for the Stillwater La Leche League. Breastfeeding is one of the things about being a mother that I am very passionate about. I cannot thank each of these beautiful women enough for letting me see my vision come to life. It was a beautiful Stillwater evening in the canola fields as the last of the flowers clung to their stems. We all bonded over a common tie, and I hope some of these women left that night with new friends and stronger connections.
I want to share a little bit about my story to help you understand why I want to use my art to be a voice for breastfeeding mothers. I can't nourish a baby on my breast milk alone. I physically cannot do it. I have a condition called IGT (insufficient glandular tissue). Basically, it's where the mammary tissues that produce breast milk are not developed like they should be. So I struggled with my oldest and gave up after 8 weeks. With my 2nd child, I finally was told about my condition and we overcame the struggles and we were able to have a nursing relationship for 6 months. I still had to supplement almost all of her actual nutrition with a bottle and formula, but we also had a wonderful breastfeeding relationship. I look back on those 6 months, and I'm so thankful for the time that we had. And so for others, it's so important for me to document that precious time in their lives and the lives of their children. Because wether it be 6 months or 3 years, the time that you will breastfeed your baby is so fleeting.
Thank you to each of you for letting me share a little piece of your story.

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