Today, my oldest child turns 4 years old! I still can't believe that 4 years have already gone by. She's gone from a tiny little 4 lb baby, so a spritely, sassy, imaginative 4 year old. She loves deeply and wears her emotions on her sleeves.
Some things about 4 yr old Emersyn:
- She still loves her Night Night although a few days ago she got a "My Little Pony" character and has asked to rock with her instead of Night Night for the last few nights.
- She can count really well and is slowly learning to read. Right now, she knows what sounds the letters make and how to read the letters in a word from left to right.
- She now sleeps in her twin loft bed. Still sleeps with her boppy at night too.
- Emersyn has very specific routines for some things. Especially our night time routine. She has to be rocked (Nora, Emersyn, and I all rock together), and we sing "Lost Boys", the Hozier song from "Tarzan" called "Better Love" (the girls just call it Tarzan though), and Ex's and Oh's. Then Emersyn climbs up into bed and I throw her blanket over her and we do our "kisses". One kiss on each cheek and then one on the forehead. We do this because Em doesn't like to be kissed on the lips. Then she makes me kiss Night Night in the same way. Then we say our goodnight. I say sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Then she says see ya later alligator, and I say in a while crocodile. If we do anything even slightly different, it's an instant tantrum until it gets rectified.
- Her favorite food is probably chicken strips. She gets them every time we go out.
- She is really into the show "My Little Pony" right now. It was "Dragon Tales" a few months ago.
- She doesn't really have a favorite movie right now. We watch all sorts. Mostly she just asks for MLP.
- She wears size 5t and size 9 toddler shoe.
- She asks 1 million questions. Sometimes she gets trapped in the why train. She'll just keep asking about something until she doesn't even know what she's really asking anymore. It's funny as I'm sitting here thinking about it, but never really much in the moment.
- She still has a GIANT imagination. For the last week, we've had a big box just sitting in the living room. It has been so many different things.
- Her favorite friends to have over are G&R twins. She always asks about them! And our neighbor across the street.
- In the video below, she's saying "cheese and graham crackers and poop"
- Emersyn loves playing with her little sister Nora. She often is in charge of things.
- She hates going outside without her shoes on. I remember when she was just over a year old and we took her outside to let her play on the grass, she just sat and cried because she didn't like the way it felt on her feet. Still the same 3 years later haha.
- She loves to chase our chickens, and hold them, and collect their eggs.
- She is so curious about her world. She wants to know the answers to all the questions about what things are and how they work.
- She's so smart too! Smarter than us sometimes.
- She can be really shy around people, but warms up pretty quickly.
- She has started coloring within the lines pretty good.
- She's always wanting to go somewhere. The first thing out of her mouth sometimes is "where are we going today?"
Below are some photos I took of Emersyn and also a video I compiled. Please enjoy.