I had the privilege of taking part in the birth of my niece, Evie. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were so very gracious in letting me be there for one of their most special moments.
Her is Evie's birth story.
Ashley was 37 weeks pregnant and already dilated to a 5! So her doctor decided to go ahead and induce her. Mom and dad made the trip to Tulsa late Wednesday night. The nurses started Ashley on Pitocin around 2:30 in the morning (on a low dosage). And she labored and tried to get some sleep through the night.
I got there at 9am shortly after the epidural was administered.
When I got back into her room, Ashley was in good spirits. We were just waiting for her doctor to make the trip in and things would get going soon. We waited around, and she occupied herself my doing her hair and makeup.
Her doc finally arrived and said things were going great. About an hour later though, Ashley was almost ready to push and her doctor was in the OR. So she labored down and we all anxiously waited.
Evelyn (Evie) Eileen Lewis was born at 1:11pm on Oct 15, 2015.
"I didn't think I would be able to love her like Eli, but it is so amazing to say I have a daughter" ~Ashley

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